

학교 교목실 사진
Whoever would be great among you must be your servant

Following the founding spirit of Reverend Appenzeller
(Matthew 20:26-28), the Chaplain's Office serves in this spirit


코람 데오 코람 데오
  • Leitourgia
    (Worship and Prayer)

    Through worship and prayer, Paichai students encounter God, who grants dreams and visions.

  • Diakonia
    (Service and Serving)

    Through service and serving, Paichai students practice God’s love that they have experienced.

  • Didache

    Through religious education, students learn God's will and
    His kingdom, experiencing and practicing Paichai's values.

  • Koinonia
    (Fellowship and Community)

    Through fellowship and community, Paichai students experience unity and share the joy of God's kingdom with one another.

Prayer Room

Worship Room

Appenzeller Memorial Chapel