Faculty & Staff Directory

Faculty & Staff Directory



Departmental Organization

Research Team Organization

Research team Activities
Curriculum Research Team
  • Development and management of student-centered curriculum
  • Support for creative and character education
  • Design of interdisciplinary curriculum
  • Stable implementation and establishment of achievement assessment
  • Organization and management of small-group elective subjects
Teaching and Learning Research Team
  • Support to enhance teacher expertise
  • Systematic teacher training, including job-specific and autonomous training
  • Research on teaching and learning methods to foster creativity
  • Launch of teacher lesson study groups
  • Promotion and strengthening of self-directed supervision
Character Education Research Team
  • Implementation of servant leadership programs
  • Stable management of the lifestyle evaluation system
  • Promotion of a robust student self-governance culture
  • Strengthening of preventive education against school violence
  • Enhancement of character education through reading, discussion, and writing
Career and College Admissions Research Team
  • Stable implementation of pre-college programs
  • Expansion of career and college-related experiential activities
  • Effective management of career and college training for teachers
  • Continuous operation of the Parent Career and College Academy
Creativity and Talent Development Research Team
  • Various club activities for talent and aptitude development
  • Enhancement of clubs linked to career and college readiness
  • Activation of experiential arts and physical education activities
  • Expansion of community-linked volunteer activities
Education Support & Public Relations Team
  • Development of smart education infrastructure
  • Management of server systems and networks
  • Implementation of information and communication ethics education
  • Operation of diverse school promotion presentations
  • Strengthening the promotion of educational activities for comprehensive student records
Administrative Support Team
  • Administrative and financial support for effective teaching and learning
  • Creation of a safe and pleasant school environment and facility improvement

1학년 학급 담임

담임교사 부서
1 우○재 1학년부
2 권○안 1학년부
3 이○ 1학년부
4 정○은 1학년부
5 이○철 입학홍보부
6 유○ 1학년부
7 김○현 1학년부
8 임○태 생활안전부
9 강○림 1학년부
10 김○남 교무부
11 황○준 진학진로부
12 조○철 생활안전부
13 김○영 창의인재부

2학년 학급 담임

담임교사 부서
1 최○록 2학년부
2 곽○선 2학년부
3 김○실 2학년부
4 이○경 2학년부
5 장○환 2학년부
6 엄○영 연구기획부
7 이○기 2학년부
8 김○우 교무부
9 김○수 2학년부
10 이○수 2학년부
11 최○영 교육지원부
12 최○혜 입학홍보부
13 박○민 창의인재부

3학년 학급 담임

담임교사 부서
1 노○창 3학년부
2 유○미 3학년부
3 황○규 3학년부
4 조○진 3학년부
5 박○정 3학년부
6 남○현 교육지원부
7 최○지 3학년부
8 장○완 3학년부
9 박○숙 3학년부
10 심○은 교무부
11 이○현 연구기획부
12 임○묵 연구기획부
13 홍○화 입학홍보부

※ 각 담당 선생님들은 수업 등으로 인하여 부서별 연락처로 연락 주시면 확인 후 연락 드립니다.



부서명 전화번호
교장 02-441-1608
생활안전부 02-441-8175
1학년부 02-441-9148
2학년부 02-441-9160
3학년부 02-441-9146
진학진로부 02-441-9146
교육지원부 02-441-2397
체육부 02-441-9144
부서명 전화번호
교감 02-441-8172
연구기획부 02-441-8103
창의인재부 02-441-9147
우남학사부 02-428-1885
교목실 02-441-8101
도서관 02-441-9168
보건실 02-442-9144

※ 각 담당 선생님들은 수업 등으로 인하여 부서별 연락처로 연락 주시면 확인 후 연락 드립니다.