Residential Life

Residential Life

An Optimal Multifunctional Space for
Realizing Students' Potential

The Unam Dormitory,
awarded the Architectural Prize in 2012,

is a ten-story building with two underground floors. Unlike conventional
corridor-style buildings, it features a central atrium designed to maximize
natural light, creating a vibrant atmosphere. It includes various facilities such as multipurpose rooms, seminar rooms, study halls, a study café, and a dining hall.

Notably, the basement houses an international-standard basketball court
and a fitness center, supporting
Paichai's 3P educational goals: intellect, virtue, and body.

Dormitory Facilities

The dormitory can accommodate up to 300 students,
who have access to various amenities. To enhance their experience, events like encouragement
programs and snack events are held.
Additionally, safety education and one-on-one study
consultations are provided, ensuring a supportive and
productive environment.

Commuter Students

Students can conveniently commute to school via the shuttle bus. Meals are available similar to those for dormitory students, with menus curated by nutritionists, allowing daily tracking of nutritional information. Students also have access to various facilities, including study rooms, a study café, and the dining hall.

Study Hall 1

Study Hall 2

Basketball Court

Private Prayer Room

Study Hall 1

Study Hall 2

Basketball Court

Private Prayer Room